
Hello I'm Evan Kovesy

I graduated from Charles Sturt University in 2009 with a Bachelor of Physiotherapy. I've worked as a Physiotherapist in Bendigo since graduating. From early on in my career I have enjoyed working with people who have undergone limb amputation. I am passionate about amputee rehabilitation and have undertaken numerous professional development opportunities in order to hone my skills.
Over the past decade I have worked in the Public Health Outpatient Amputee Clinic. Through this role I recognised the need for a private clinic dediciated solely to the care of people who have undergone an amputation. In 2023 I decided to establish 'Amped Physiotherapy'. It is a specialised amputee-related Physiotherapy service providing amputees with the specific and targeted help they require. The aim is to use my skills and knowledge to improve the lives of those living with an amputation in Central Victoria.
Outside of work I enjoy spending time with my wife and two young kids. My hobbies include running, gardening and playing the guitar.
I find real pleasure in assisting amputees in reaching their potential and achieving things that may have once seemed out of reach. I hope that I can work with you soon.